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Slim and Cleanse Tea

Detox, Clean Colon, Get Slim & Be Happy!

Nature's Best-Kept Health Secret Today

Slim and Cleanse Tea Promotes Healthy functioning of the Stomach and Colon


Slim and Cleanse Tea is a speacial herbal tea blend of all natural ingredients formulated by a doctor to asist your body in gently eliminating impurityies acquired from everyday living.  Enjoy this delicious and refreshing beverage while improving your health!

Long-favored, ancient medicinal herbs from the tea.

  • Malva Leaves soothe the stomach

  • Holy Thistle and Blessed Thistle promote better functioning of liver and gallbladder

  • Marshmallow Roots and leaves aid intestinal disorders, while 

  • Persimmon Leaves act as a mild laxative and natural antihistamine

  • Ginger, a traditional herbal remedy for bloating and diarrhea, and 

  • Chamomile favored for aiding bowel and stomach functions, make Slim and Cleanse Tes the perfect, premier blend to promote and improve optimal functioning of the entire digestive system.

  • Formulated by Dr. Bill Miller (BS, MS., Ph.D. Nutritional Science).

  • Dr. Miller's Teas are the world's first health tonics that synergistically combine the herbal ingredients listed below. No pesticides or insecticides of any kind are used in the growing of the herbs. The tea is manufactured and packaged in FDA approved laboratories. The tea bags that they are packaged in are made of unbleached muslin.

2 TEA BAGS Net Weight .25 oz (7.08 g)

One week suppy-Makes a Full Gallon

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Nutrition Facts Per Serving


Serving Size:  3 grams

Servings Per Container: 16








Vitamin A......................<2%

Vitamin C........................2%





Iron............................. <0.1%





Original Formula Ingredients: Holy Thistle, Malva Leaves, Marshmallow Leaves and Roots, Persimmon Leaves.  Enhanced Formula with Ginger and Chamomile.


Caffeine Free 100% Organic



Month Supply-Makes a Full Gallon

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$35.00     FREE SHIPING

30 Capsules Convienient /Traveling


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         $35.00    FREE SHIPPING



1. Bring 4 cups of water to a boil on the stove. (Preferably use good water)

2. Remove from heat and let it sit for 5miniutes.

3. Add the 2 enclosed tea bags.

4. Cover and let the tea sit for 4-8 hours or overnight.


This is the tea concentrate.  Transfer to a container (Glass jar preferable but not necessary) and store in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.  DO NOT REMOVE THE TEA BAGS! If tea becomes clouds, it is still good.


To Make A cup of Tea: Add ¾ Cup water (or juice) to ¼ cup concentrate. Add lemon, sweetener, juice, additional herbal tea flavors, etc. to taste. Enjoy hot or cold! To drink the tea hot, place a serving in a saucepan and gently simmer on the stove.  NEVER BOIL OR MICROWAVE THE TEA AS THIS KILLS THE POTENCY OF THE HERBS.


OPTIONS:  In a gallon jar,  add concentrated tea then pour water to fill the jar to make one gallon. Store in the refrigerator.


Recommended Starting Dosage: Start with one cup with lunch, one cup with dinner and one-half cup with a snack.


Listen to your body! You may need more or less, or prefer morning or bedtime.  There is no right or wrong time to drink the tea!


Extreme Constipation: If you have no results in the first 24-36 hours, place 2 tea bags in a 16pz glass of hot, boiled water.  Let it sit for 4 hours.  Drink entire contents over the next 6-8 hours.


For Best Results: 1) Slim and Cleanse Digestive Tonic: In an 8-oz glass, mix 1tsp.  baking soda with ¼ cup apple cider vinegar and drink after meals.  Start with one meal a day and work up to two.  2) Healthy Habits: A healthy diet, with a focus on vegetables and fruits, 6-8 glasses of water, exercise and several 2-3 minute sessions of deep breathing each day will greatly improve result.


What to Expect: Some individuals experience amazing results within a few days or the first week. Others require a full two weeks or even 30-90 days to see results.  It is wise to give yourself at least 30-60 days to test the personal effectiveness of the tea.  Bowel movements may be large, or even contain parasites or unusual matter during the initial detox.


Detox Response: At anytime during the first 90 days, you may experience a cleansing response that may seem to be negative, i.e, stomach cramping, loose bowel movements, flu-like symptoms, etc.  The tea is not making you ill! Your body is simply removing the toxins inside of it in the quickest personal way possible.  Continue with the tea, exercise and drink extra water to greatly aid the initial 30-90 day cleansing.  Google “Detox Response” to learn More.


For Children: The tea is a total body detox to use safely at any age and excellent for colic and preventing colds.  Start your baby with 1/ to 1 tsp. once or twice a day.  Children under 75 pounds: ¼ cup to 1/3 cup twice daily.  Over 75 pounds, ½ cup twice daily.  Adjust more or less as necessary.


For Pets: Sprinkle dried herbs on pet food or add 1-2 teaspoons of tea to the water bowl for constipation, wheezing and elimination of parasites.


Topical Use:  For quick healing and relief, apply tea concentrate with a cotton ball to rashes, sunburn, cuts, wounds, etc.   Very helpful for hemorrhoids and cold sores.

*statement regarding the effect of this tea have not been evalusted by the Food & Drug Administration.  Personal results may vary.  Not inteded to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.



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